
You have options when you shop with us!

You can choose to shop for one time orders for Tuesday or Thursday delivery or subscribe and save!

This is a subscription for EBT customers. 

Pay only $12.50/week for a ($40 value) fresh produce box delivered to your door (must subscribe to a minimum of 8 weeks)

$100/month membership: Entry to Local Food

This is the same option as the EBT/SNAP option above but is for those who do not have a food subsidy card and want to try out local produce/subscription for the first time to see if it works for them. Minimum required subscription weeks = 4 weeks. 

Must subscribe to a minimum of 1 month

After you purchase Month 1, a subscription for $50/month will be activated until you cancel. 

$1000/month membership: Food Sovereignty Bundle

What does my membership include? 

**includes free produce delivery & next day shipping (to addresses outside of our local delivery zone); food sovereignty bundle and can be divided by multiple people who desire to evoke a village mindset towards food security**

After you purchase Month 1, a subscription for $1000/month will be activated until you cancel. You may share this subscription with up to 5 family members (but one payment must be made and you would have to split payment between members outside of assistance from Deeply Rooted Produce).  

**Please note that if you opt to buy in a group, you are limited/dividing the resources that one person may receive for the entire membership. For produce delivery, we will only deliver to ONE address...

Purchase a Compost Bucket

Donate your kitchen scraps to us so we can grow nutritious produce!

Learn how to grow food while you earn food

Sign up for a work study position and receive a weekly produce box for 4 hrs of farm work! Se hablamos espanol!

Purchase our EBooks Here

Learn the behinds the scenes of the garden and our food sovereighty story. We have so much information to share with you so stay tuned.